

We have moved to slash commands now! Simply type / to see all the commands you can use with welcomer
To join the support server, simply head into the site bar and click the support tab to be sent an invite to the server


All the features welcomer that welcomer has ever had still available to everyone for free. We only have extra perks as a way to say thank you to people who help keep our bot online.
When you are donating through patreon, please make sure you bind a discord account to your patreon account. If you have forgotten to do this by accident, please contact a staff member on our support server for more assistance with some proof of purchase.
When you donate towards the bot, you should automatically receive a message confirming this in your direct messages with welcomer. To apply your donation to a server, you can either directly apply it to the server you are on by doing +membership add or provide an id after like +membership add 341685098468343822 and also make sure you have not used up your applicable servers limit.
Patreon charges automatically when you donate because this makes it that you need your payment details to be valid before getting rewards. If you donate on the last day of the month, you will be charged then and on the first of the next month.
All previously set custom backgrounds will not be removed however to change it you will require to do the one time payment. This is simply put to show support for the development of the bot as recently the bot now requires over 100 Gigabytes of storage for storing both these custom backgrounds and 1 week cached images, its a little gesture that you support the bot. There are still a large amount of free backgrounds and once you have paid for custom backgrounds you are able to apply this to any server


To use the dashboard, all you have to do is log in and click on dashboard. Upon doing this, you will be prompted to select the server you want to manage and you can change this at any time by clicking Change server
If your server is missing from the list, this means you are not logged in on the right account on the site
Despite showing all guilds you are in, you may not have permission to edit these servers
To delete your server config, head to Bot settings on the dashboard and click on Reset. Please note your data is not recoverable once this is done
To allow for invites, simply head to Bot settings > Site Settings on the dashboard and enable Allow Invites

Welcomer Text

To enable welcomer text on the dashboard, go to Welcomer > Welcomer Text on the dashboard and click on Enable Text Messages
To change your welcomer text, you can go on the same Welcomer Text page and modify the Welcomer Message
To display the membercount like 35th, you can use the markdown {members}, if you want just the number use {server.user.count}
To display an emoji, simply do :emojiname: in the welcome message, it should automatically change to an emoji with this name on the server
To show an invited user, you can use the markdown {invite.inviter}. Please note you will also need to enable showing invites.

Welcomer Images

To enable images, simply head on to Welcomer > Welcomer Images on the dashboard and toggle enabling welcomer images
To change the welcomer text, head to the Welcomer Image section on the dashboard and locate to Image Message. Each line of the text area will correspond to a different line in the image
To display the membercount like 35th, you can use the markdown {members}, if you want just the number use {server.user.count}
To change the background to a free one, you can simply use the dropdown in Welcomer Image backgrounds, if you would like to switch back to your custom background, you can change this to Custom Background
To change the custom background you can simply drop a new file into the custom background slot and once you save your changes, it will be updated instantaneously
You can now change the Image theme to display the image differently. Simply go to the Welcomer Image section and use the dropdown with Image Theme. If you would like the default style, choose Legacy
You can find a list of all the backgrounds on the sidebar or clicking here
If the image creator has timed out whilst retrieving an image from discords CDN, the image will instead display as this to make sure images are made as fast as possible
Due to the scale welcomer has to cater too, we make over 90 GB of images weekly. Images will remain in our caches for only 1 week before they are removed to make space for new images. The rest of responsibility of caching is then given to cloudflare and discord


To set up leaver you can either do /leaver enable or go to leaver on the dashboard and select Enable leaver
To change the message on the site you can simply edit the text field. To edit it through a command, you can do /leaver setmessage Goodbye {user}


Since the requirement from discord to move to slash commands in 2022 and the introduction of the built-in moderation from discord, we have decided to sunset the auto moderation features. They will be coming back soon!


Borderwall is a feature set up to verify users who join your server. A user will receive a predefined role once they have verified
To set up borderwall, you must specify a role you want to assign users and enable it. You can enable and set the roles it will assign from going to Borderwall on the dashboard or doing /borderwall setrole <@> and /borderwall enable. Please note that the setrole command will only allow for a single role to be assignable

Temporary Channels

To set up tempchannels, you must specify a category to use and then enable it. You can specify the category and enable it by going to the Temporary Channels category on the dashboard or doing /tempchannels setcategory and /tempchannels enable
To delete channels when they are empty, you must enable autopurge. You can do this by turning it on the dashboard or by doing /tempchannels autopurge enable
To change the category tempchannel uses, you can either mention a different channel on the dashboard or do /tempchannel setcategory


To enable timeroles you can do /timeroles enable or by heaving to the Roles > TimeRoles category on the dashboard. You can then add roles to this by enabling it and setting the minutes on the dashboard or by doing the command /timeroles addrole
You can give users roles when they join by enabling AutoRoles in Roles > AutoRoles and toggling the specific roles you want to assign them then enabling autoroles. You can also do this with commands by doing /autorole add <@> and /autorole enable
To add freeroles you can head to Roles > FreeRoles and add roles and enabling it from the dashboard. You can also do this with commands by doing /freeroles addrole <@> and /freeroles enable
Roles that welcomer cannot assign will be greyed out. To allow these roles to be assigned, make sure welcomer is hoisted above these